Architectural interiors, along with the furnishings and objects in our lives, are at the core of our everyday experiences. As research continues to establish the advantages of wellness living, we build our interior design service upon the benefits of natural materials and textures that enrich a space, positive rituals that guide our daily activities, and elements that delight our senses.

Seamless Architectural Interiors

We design from the inside out. Textures, lighting, colors, craftsmanship, and curated objects influence the way we experience our spaces and our lives. At Vera Iconica, we believe interior design should be gorgeously blended into the surrounding architecture as well as the objects chosen in our homes and spaces.

Meet our team

Beautifully Curated Interior Design

The chosen objects in our lives have a powerful influence over mood and behavior. Discovering and refining your interior design style, we work closely with our interior design clients to develop spaces that resonate with your lifestyle while keeping nature at the core. Whether highlighting your treasured artwork and objects or selecting the perfect pieces by your side, brilliantly placed focal point objects tell an authentic design story. Interior design is a journey: such a partnership informs conscious design decisions that result in a space for optimized living.

Supporting Your Wellness Lifestyle

What does wellness mean to you? Whether making big or small interior design changes, supporting a medical or health condition, or perhaps focusing on your kitchen and center of nourishment for your family, we support healthy choices along your journey. With expertise and partnerships in food, medicine, wellness, and lifestyle, we design environments for better health and more joy.

Contact us

“The home should be a treasure chest of living.”

– Le Corbusier

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